In your need to find trustfull garage door repair in Annandale, Virginia you have come to the right place. STI Garage Door is an area leader in this field because of our years of experience and our line of top-quality parts.
Our experience extends throughout our entire team of employees all of whom are totally equipped to handle all issues with your garage system and space. This includes repair and service, upgrades to components and parts, or even new installations.
We are more than happy to show you how we can improve the fit and function of your entire garage with the available upgrades we can provide. With one call to our expert customer service team, we can get you started on a plan to improve the elements of your garage that are currently lacking.
Make a call to our exceptional customer service staff now and learn how our reasonable rates and exceptional service make our customers rate us higher than practically any provider in the area.
Emergency Repair
If your garage door or its parts happened to break, that can be inconvenient. When it happens in the middle of the night or on a weekend you may think that you are out of luck. Fortunately, we are available 24/7 to meet all of your garage door repair needs.
So if you are in need of emergency garage door service in Annandale, VA, get in touch with our customer service team to get started on your repair day or night. Our entire team is well-equipped to provide answers and service for anything on your garage door that is not working properly.
There may be nothing that improves the looks and the security of a home or business like a brand new garage door. When looking for garage door installation in Annandale, VA the choices may seem endless; however, when you want nothing but the best look no further than STI Garage Door.
We carry a complete line of doors for either your commercial or residential location. We even offer custom doors for those customers looking for a one-of-a-kind look.
So no matter whether you need a swing or roll-up door our professional technicians are ready to install the door of your dreams in no time.
Opener Services
Our highly regarded garage door service in Annandale, VA includes complete automatic garage door opener service and repair. We have years of experience with garage door opener service, and it is what keeps customers coming back to us over and over again.
Garage door opener repair and replacement does not have to be painful and it does not have to break the bank. Let STI Garage Door show you how.
Maintenance and Insulation
One service that we provide that our customers use time and again is our garage tune-up service where we inspect all of the parts of your garage to make sure they are in prime working order. If during that inspection we find any issues, our technicians are fully prepared to handle any issues including:
- Tracks that are sagging or bent
- Torsion springs in need of repair or replacement
- Vital cables that have been stretched beyond useful life
- Damaged mounting brackets in need of repair or replacement
- A full inspection of your automatic garage door system to detect any issues
- A thorough check of your automatic garage door system opener motor to make sure it is not straining with use
- Checking all remotes for proper operation
- Testing electronic keypads for proper function
- Inspecting each door panel for possible damage
A well-maintained environment is a happier place to be. It is true in your home and your business just as it can be true in your garage space. That’s why insulating your garage is a good idea. With one call to our staff, our skillful technicians can check where your garage may be deficient and then provide you with choices for the proper types of both commercial and residential garage door insulation to insulate your garage.
A great example of a sometimes overlooked upgrade to your garage is insulation to moderate the temperature inside the garage efficiently. Not only does it help with energy efficiency, but it serves to protect valuable assets you may keep inside of your garage.

$150 off Double Door